PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveDeep Learning with CIFAR-10 Image ClassificationNeural Networks are the programmable patterns that helps to solve complex problems and bring the best achievable output. Deep Learning as…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
Published inDataDrivenInvestorTime Series Analysis — ExplainedEvery day, we open up the weather app on our mobile device and see the weather forecast, or while going through stock market news, we go…Jun 19, 20231Jun 19, 20231
Published inTowards AIGENERATIVE AI & GANsThe term Artificial Intelligence was coined for the first time way back in 1956 by John Mcarthy. But it took us nearly 60 years to…Aug 9, 2021Aug 9, 2021
Published inTowards AIText Classification with RNNRecurrent Neural Networks a.k.a. RNN is a famous supervised Deep Learning methodology. Other commonly used Deep Learning neural networks…Nov 21, 20201Nov 21, 20201
Utopia For DevelopersEvery year from 2011, Stack Overflow conducted a survey to be able to know better the IT landscape from the perspective of developers. The…Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020
Decoction of LifeSmartest creatures on earth are Homo sapiens, at least they are deemed so by many intellects and academicians. Humans are smartest because…Mar 23, 2019Mar 23, 2019
MSP and Inflation -2All the inquisitive minds must be rendering for the reason behind MSP hike at this stage. Due to impositions of CAATSA rule and walk out…Jul 9, 2018Jul 9, 2018
MSP and Inflation- 1With government’s decision to increase MSP, there’s a surge in market of conundrums. Will it affect inflation, is the biggest question? So…Jul 7, 2018Jul 7, 2018
Language to Learn1984 dystopian Sci-Fic movie Terminator is now leading its way to reality.In the growing world of technology, machines are replacing humans…Jun 17, 2018Jun 17, 2018
Engineering ExaminationsConsidered as one of the most unemployed sector of India, due to increasing number of applicants from this field ever year. Aspiring…Mar 2, 2018Mar 2, 2018